The addiction is real. But there is hope.
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
The addiction is real. But there is hope.
by Omar Miranda
by Omar Miranda
by Omar Miranda
by Omar Miranda
by Omar Miranda
You can be honest about your struggles with negative body image issues, and find safe places to talk about what you’re going through. You can still love Jesus and have a therapist!
Are you stressed out, anxious, and worried? Don’t deal with it all by yourself.
Recovery will take time. You may not feel better right away. But with treatment, and patience, your depression, and the desire to end your life, will lessen, and then finally fade away.
Self-harming can feel unavoidable. It can seem like the only way to cope with what you're going through. But keep trying to find another option.
I loathed myself to the point where I started to give myself bruises. I was numb to everything else but my physical pain. I was sexually abused as a child, and this is my story.
I just turned 16. About a year ago, I almost took my own life. This is my story.
Your eternal life hangs in the balance.
I thought my parents would stay together until they died — you know, just like they promised in their vows.
When I was young boy, my father sat me down on the steps leading to my grandmother's basement apartment for a “little talk.” To this day, I still deal with the effects of his leaving. This is my story.
It feels unfair to hear “sex outside of marriage is sinful” and “same-sex sexual activity is always sinful.” It can almost feel like our straight peers need only wait a few years before they earn their “free ticket” to unrestricted sex — and that this ticket is off-limits to us forever.